Sunday, November 18, 2012

Emulating IE9 through JSF PhaseListener

I need to emulate my JSF page to behave like IE9 although I'm using IE7. I know that in order to achieve this I must have the following meta tag to be include in my client code, like this:

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=9">

There is a source mention this should be done using JSF PhaseListener. By adopting that solution, I have this code:

I have tested the above code and its working fine. The code will actually emulate all pages in IE9 in the particular webapp and I have no intention to limit its implementation to a particular page. Anyhow this could be done using this solution.

Oh yah... Before I forgot, I need to register my custom made phase listener class in faces-config.xml file in this way, otherwise it wouldn't work.

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