In Eclipse IDE, the simplest way to configure class-path is to create a
source folder. It is so clean and easy. But when using ANT to package a JAR, class-path is done in the following way:
<project ...>
<target name="build">
<jar destfile="./program.jar">
< attribute name="Main-Class" value="..."/>
< attribute name="Class-Path" value="..."/>
Usually class-path is useful in referencing the library path. But I never though it can be use to reference configuration file, the file which usually in XML or properties pattern. Assuming configuration files were located at
config_path, the
class-path would be look like this:
<project ...>
<target name="build">
<jar destfile="./program.jar">
< attribute name="Main-Class" value="..."/>
< attribute name="Class-Path" value="config_path/ lib_path/the.jar ..."/>
With this approach, I can have a greater flexibility to configure the application's behavior in anytime during run-time.
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