Saturday, October 14, 2017

Convert Windows file separator into Linux format

I wrote a function to extract the parent path for a given path. An interesting thing happens here; Windows's file system was used (\) backslash as file separator, whereas Linux's using (/) slash as file separator. Thus, this will end up I have following code produce:
void FileBot::constructParentPath()

   string sep = string(1, boost::filesystem::path::preferred_separator);
   if( sep == "/" )
      boost::replace_last(filePath, "/", "|");
      boost::replace_last(filePath, "\", "|");

When handling file separator with Boost library, the library will able to convert the Windows's file separator into Linux format. Therefore, my code will reduce into one line from the previous version:
void FileBot::constructParentPath()

   string filePath = fileNode.getName().generic_string();
   boost::replace_last(filePath, "/", "|");


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