I'd made a function that its sole responsibility is to verify the files have successfully loaded into memory. Following code snippet shows my hard work:
std::list<string> FileBot::getLoadedFiles(FileNode *fileNode)
std::list<string> mlist;
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "current root address : " << fileNode;
if( fileNode == nullptr || fileNode->sibling.size() == 0 )
return mlist;
for( FileNodeListType::iterator it = fileNode->sibling.begin(); it != fileNode->sibling.end(); ++it )
FileNode *n = (&*it);
if( n->getType() == 'd' ) {
std::list<string> subList;
subList = getLoadedFiles(n);
mlist.insert(mlist.begin(), subList.begin(), subList.end());
else {
string filePath = constructPathAddress(n);
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "filePath : " << filePath;
return mlist;
I need this function in my unit test code to ensure
constructParentPath() and
constructChildPath() are doing their job correctly. Take the following test case for example:
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(TL_5, *boost::unit_test::precondition(skipTest(true)))
BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("TC8 : one file is captured without sub folder");
string testPathA = current_path().string() + string(1, path::preferred_separator) + "FolderA";
createTestFile(testPathA, 1);
#if defined(WIN32)
BOOST_TEST(testPathA == "D:\\workspaceqt\\backupUtil\\backupUtilUnitTest\\FolderA");
BOOST_TEST(testPathA == "/home/kokhoe/workspaceqt/debug/FolderA");
FileBotUnderTest fb;
FileNode *root = nullptr;
if( (root = fb.constructParentPath(testPathA)) == nullptr ) {
BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("Initialization failed.");
string path = fb.getParentPathAddress();
#if defined(WIN32)
BOOST_TEST(path == "D:\\workspaceqt\\backupUtil\\backupUtilUnitTest\\FolderA\\");
BOOST_TEST(path == "/home/kokhoe/workspaceqt/debug/FolderA/");
// verify the file name was captured
std::list<string> files = fb.getLoadedFiles(root);
BOOST_TEST(files.size() == 1);
#if defined(WIN32)
if( std::find(files.begin(), files.end(), "D:/workspaceqt/backupUtil/backupUtilUnitTest/FolderA/file_1.txt") == files.end() )
if( std::find(files.begin(), files.end(), "/home/kokhoe/workspaceqt/debug/FolderA/file_1.txt") == files.end() )
This function is gets invoked right after the "files" are loaded into memory. There are not the physical file, it's just a shadow. To effectively process the files stored in the sub folder, it will invoke itself to dive into the sub folder bringing together a reference of the current path, until it has iterated through the end of the path. That is the reason why this function has a parameter of
FileNode type. But there was a question come into my mind, why do I still need to pass the
root (a reference value came from
constructParentPath() in the unit test mention above) into this function since the
FileBot class already got a reference to this value?
class FileBot
// *root should never be NULL
FileNode *root = nullptr; // store the a reference to root path
I know this was stupid. The initial objective is to create a function that could verify the "files" that has been loaded into memory are done correctly. I think this function is only used for the unit test purpose. I'll just leave it as it is.
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