Saturday, December 20, 2008

Master Degree Plan

I was planing to continue my Master degree in next year. I have been thinking for this for quite a number of years. Do I really need this? Due to my passion of learning, and I don't want to waste my time on those self research study, I have make a decision to go for Master degree.

MMU is currently offer a Master of Comp. Sc. in Software Engineering and Software Architecture.

Here are the subjects list:

Core Course

* Methods in Software Engineering
* Architecture of Large Software Systems
* Software Requirements Engineering
* Low-Level Design of Software
* Software Quality Assurance and Testing
* Software Project Management
* Service Oriented Architecture Using Web Services

Elective Course

* Software Engineering Approach to Human Computer Interaction
* Security in Computing
* Real Time Systems
* Advanced Topics in Software Engineering and Software Architecture
* Risk Management for Software Intensive Projects
* An Agent Approach to Computational Intelligence
* Component-Based Systems
* IT Research Method
* Seminar in Software Engineering & Architecture Practices

University Subject

* Cyberpreneurship and Technology Business Strategy


* MCS Project

Meanwhile, Maharishi University of Management is rolling out their Master degree as well. Here is the quick link regarding on the program

Here are the subject list:

Standard Core Courses

* Modern Programming Practices
* Database Management Systems
* Software Engineering
* Computer Communication Networks
* Operating Systems
* Advanced Programming Languages
* Science of Creative Intelligence

Other MSCS Courses

* Fundamentals of Algorithms
* Compiler Construction
* Artificial Intelligence
* Distributed Computing
* Advanced Computer Architecture
* Forest Academy
* Practicum in Software Development

Professional Seminars cover such subjects as

* Object-Oriented Programming Environments
* Object-Oriented System Analysis and Design
* Data Compression
* Logic and Temporal Programming

Basically I am not trying to compare which is the best, but I just want to know what I will gain from the programmes. According to an article I have read in the pass few weeks, there are 3 reason for you to go for this degree.

1. Bachelor degree are everywhere, you may want to get a higher degree in order to compete with them.
2. Your parents want you to complete this degree.
3. That was your interest. You really have strong interest in studying that particular course.

I had chosen number 3 without thinking anything because I enjoy in learning, explore and research.

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