Saturday, August 29, 2009

Rectangle text in Ubuntu

Recently I have downloaded the latest source code of Open Office 3.10. Few days ago, there was an update from Ubuntu Update manager. As usual I'll briefly browser through what is going to be install in my Linux. But this time I did not browse through it, and I just install. Then in my next login, all the text or whatever text can be read in English are change into rectangle. I was in the situation where there is no English text at all.

In order to solve this problem, I have to un-install the pango v1.24 through runlevel 2 because that is the only place I can see English text. Restart after un-install process has been done to take immediate effect.

I guess there must be some dependency library having some conflict with pango library during the update. Need to find out more on this.


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

How to execute

Few days ago, my friend was having a problem on setting Tomcat in his Linux box, and he got no clue on how this file is going to execute?

The file actually is using bash command, to execute it, that file must be granted an execute permission by doing this:

chmod +x

By granting the execute permission on a file, now the file can be executed just like below:


Without granting the permission, the file has to be execute in following method:


But base on my working experience, that file will be granted an executable permission if the source is dedicated for linux. Unless it is dedicated for Windows.


Monday, August 24, 2009

OpenOffice 3.1.0 kick start

Few weeks ago, I have downloaded open office latest source code from this link. There are six major packages in total, which there are:

  1. core source package.
  2. system source package.
  3. binfilter source package.
  4. l10n source package.
  5. extension source package.
  6. testautomation package.

I have extracted those package and ready to install. Unfortunately the installation process not going so well. There are so many missing components in my Linux, and I have to install it one by one. Currently I was stuck at installing the GTK+ because this component requires me to install the dependency components such as Glib, Pango, ATL, and Cairo. Installing those components is not as easy as I think, and it could spend up a lot of time to search the Internet how those components should install. Like one example, when installing Glib, it prompting an error complaining that gettext module was not installed. By doing manual installation doesn't fix the problem, and thus I have to issue the command below to solve the problem.

sudo apt-get install gettext

Although Glib installation has been resolved, but installation for Cairo is a different issue. Because it doesn't have a Makefile, how could I continue my work?



Friday, August 14, 2009

Finding on developing XBOX game

For so long I want to get myself started in game development. Due to the limited funding and resources, I have joined the local game house to get my dream come true. This could be a great chance for me to learn PS2 and Nintendo technology in game development. Unfortunately, the company doesn't go very well due to the financial crisis, and I am force leave that company to develop the boring software (again!).

I have been heard about Microsoft XNA for a long time, but I never get a chance to use it in developing any game. This technology open up the gateway for everyone to sell their final product to the public, it could be a very good chance to self funding and bring up a new career to myself – The indie game developer. Few days ago I was doing some study on how I can get myself started in commercial game in XBOX, below are my finding.

Requirement for developing XBOX game:

  • Xbox 360 console with hard drive. (RM1800)
  • Xbox LIVE Gold or Silver account. (Free of charge)
  • XNA Creators Club Online Premium membership. (around RM350 per year)
  • XNA Game studio. (Free of charge)

Requirement for deploying XBOX game:

  • XNA Game Studio Connect in XBOX.
  • Add a device in through XNA Game Studio Device Center in XNA Game Studio.

The pricing is range from 200 to 800 point, which is equivalent USD2.50 to USD10.00. 70% of the revenue will be received by you from the total sales. There is one bad news, which is, even I'm debugging a game on XBOX, and I still need to have a premium account for this to work [7].

Related link:
