- Clean the workspace.
- Get latest source from SVN.
- Build the bar file.
- Deploy to server.
del /s /q MessageFlowProject\*.* for /d %%x in (.\MessageFlowProject\*) do @rd /s /q "%%x" FOR /f "tokens=*" %%G IN ('DIR /b /ad /s MessageFlowProject\*.svn*') DO RMDIR /s /q "%%G" svn checkout --force SVN_URL module_A svn checkout --force SVN_URL module_B svn checkout --force SVN_URL module_C svn checkout –-force SVN_URL MessageFlowProject C:\"Program Files"\IBM\MQSI\\bin\mqsiprofile.cmd mqsipackagebar -a MessageFlowProject.bar -w . -y module_A module_B module_C MessageFlowProject mqsideploy -i -p 1418 -q QueueA -e GRP.A -a MessageFlowProject.bar -w 600Notice the 3rd is required to clean .svn path as the 2nd statement unable to handle hidden path since .svn are hidden in file system. The script doesn’t work as expected in Jenkins environment. The build result was successful, and I could see following trace in the console output:
C:\Users\Vendor\.jenkins\jobs\Job1\workspace>C:\IBM\MQSI\\bin\mqsiprofile.cmdI notice the last 2 statements, which is mqsi*, doesn’t get invoke after mqsiprofile.cmd were executed. I think this is due to mqsiprofile.cmd has additional environment configure to the system where Jenkins not able to read from there.
I’m running out of clue how could I continue, I am stuck!
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