Trying to override old definition of task svn BUILD FAILED ... C:\TestWorkspace\base.xml:78: Cannot use javahl nor command line svn client Total time: 0 secondsWhen I was about to throw them away, I notice the last modified date was at 2006 which is version 1.0.0 as according to the source repo. Surprise me! But I thought I had overridden the classpath in ANT script, why it isn’t working?
<path id="classpath"> <pathelement location="svnant.jar"/> <pathelement location="svnClientAdapter.jar"/> <pathelement location="svnjavahl.jar"/> <pathelement location="svnkit.jar"/> <pathelement location="ant-contrib-0.3.jar"/> <fileset dir= ".." > <include name= "*.jar" /> </fileset> </path>I rebuild again to see if the error still persists after I throw the 3 idiots far far far away. The error is gone but another one comes out:
co: [svn] Missing 'javahl' dependencies on the classpath ! BUILD FAILED ... C:\TestWorkspace\base.xml:80: Cannot find javahl, svnkit nor command line svn clientSurprise me again! Why this happens? Spent some time reading through the forums and articles then only I realize there are missing thing in the ANT script:
<svnSetting svnkit="true" javahl="false" username="admin" password="admin" id="svn.settings" /> <svn refid="svn.settings"> ... </svn>Frankly speaking, I heavily rely on the IDE. The <svn> tag wasn’t shown in editor, and I though this is a fault. Anyhow, one quick note, as of this writing, I’m using version 1.3.1. Thus is no longer working:
<typedef classpathref="classpath" resource=""/>
That one was used in version 1.0.0. The correct way is this:
<typedef resource="org/tigris/subversion/svnant/svnantlib.xml" classpathref="classpath"/>
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