Friday, July 31, 2015

Checking SVN path existence using ANT

The use case here was to check whether the path has already existed in SVN using ANT. I was staring on the script (shown below) for a very long time and wondering how could I improve the piece to make it more interesting and sexy.
      <svnExists target="${svnPath}/MessageFlow/${tagname}" refid="svn.settings"/>

      <not><svnExists target="${svnPath}/MessageFlow/${tagname}" refid="svn.settings"/></not>
After some rearrangement then I come out this piece:
   <condition property="exists">
      <svnExists target="${ svnPath}/MessageFlow/${tagname}" refid="svn.settings"/>

   <!—if exists is false -->
      <not><equals arg1="${exists}" arg2="true"/></not>

   <!—if exists is true -->
      <equals arg1="${exists}" arg2="true"/>
The difference on the newer piece is that I've adopted <condition> in the script and the result was keep in exists property. Would it be better? Errrrr... It seems that a lot more code need to be done to achieve the same result.

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