... [svn] svn: File not found: revision 1768, path '/trunk/MessageFlow/trunk/MessageFlow' ...Notice that the path has been duplicated. Here is the existing ANT source:
... <typedef resource="org/tigris/subversion/svnant/svnantlib.xml" classpathref="classpath"/> ...As from my study, this is a known error for SVN version 1.7 and above. Luckily opticyclic has developed a new ANT clone which can get rid of this problem. Grab the piece and build it from source. The output will have this, svntask-1.1.1.jar. When deploy to build server, sequence-library-1.0.2.jar, sqljet-1.1.10.jar, svnkit-1.8.5.jar are also needed. There are gang of four, no one left behind.<copy srcUrl="${svnTrunkRoot}/MessageFlow}" destUrl="${svnTagsRoot}/MessageFlow/${newtagname}" message="Tagged by Jenkins."/>
Without messing up with the existing svn task, I create another task named svn2.
<path id="svn2.classpath"> <pathelement location="svntask-1.1.1.jar"> <fileset dir= "../lib"> <include name= "*.jar"/> </fileset> </path> <taskdef name="svn2" classname="com.googlecode.svntask.SvnTask" classpathref="svn2.classpath"/>To use the new copy task command, do this:
... <svn2 username="admin" password="admin"> <copy failOnDstExists="true" move="false" src="${svnTrunkRoot}/MessageFlow" dst="${svnTagsRoot}/MessageFlow/${newtagname}" commitMessage="Tagged by Jenkins."/> </svn2>Do take note that the new svn2 doesn't support refid attribute, thus username and password are require whenever svn2 command is invoke.
Last note, this is last minute finding, antlr-runtime-3.4.jar may also needed as I deployed to build server. Otherwise an run-time error will be thrown.
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